Album covers maker
Album covers maker

album covers maker

Canva is also a great resource for free stock images, but it’s so much more than that. We recommend looking at Unsplash, Pexels, Negative Space, and Death to Stock - just to name a few. If you want to be safe, there are many top-quality websites that offer free stock photos and images that you can use without worrying about breaking any rules. Using an image without permission falls under copyright infringement. You need to have authorization from the copyright holder for any images you use. Artwork that is left blank, uses one color, or is too generic, will not be accepted either. We recommend freshening up your artwork if you have the time. Using the same artwork for multiple releases - an artist can use the same artwork for multiple single releases but it must reference the different single titles to distinguish them from each other. This could cause the artwork to be rejected. Non-Latin alphabets - as long as the artwork title matches the release title, any choice of language is ok.īlurry or pixelated images - if there is pixelation around words, images, or in the corners of the artwork, many sites will think this was not done on purpose. Links, logos, and characters - there should be no references to social media, music platforms, blatant use of brands, sports stars, celebrities, or film/tv references & characters. You cannot include the logo on your artwork if there is no explicit content on your album. However, if you choose to include the explicit content logo on your artwork, there must be at least one track that includes explicit content. Image size - the standard for most sites is 3000 x 3000 pixels.Įxplicit images - any artwork featuring pornographic images, nudity, violence, or discrimination of any kind will not be accepted.Įxplicit content logo - if any tracks or titles feature explicit language, an explicit logo could be added to your artwork. Album art is a place to express your creativity, but there are some rules you have to follow to make sure your single, EP, or album passes the guidelines set by major music sites.

Album covers maker